Showing posts with label dripping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dripping. Show all posts

09 December 2015

A Portland University Wants Federal Permission to Ban Transgender Students

Dirk VanderHart
The Portland Mercury


ezs note:  Wow... how interesting.  I have no qualms with private colleges or universities instituting some strange and/or appalling codes...  but that's only if their funding remains totally private!  Note that the article said that Multnomah University accepted 1.1 million in federal funds!  Now, that's a different kettle of fish.  I do think that federal monies are a valuable resource, but if their hand remains out, certain standards have to be met.  Please urge your Congressperson if any money is to be doled out to a private institution, transgender people have to be welcomed.  (Thanks to Mr. VanderHart for your diligence.)