09 August 2012

Recent developments in legal protection against transgender employment discrimination (http://www.lexology.com)

voting while trans (http://www.votingwhiletrans.org)

*more here*

ezs note:  Even if you are only thinking about voting... and I do hope you are... please read the following two entries.  They will save you a lot of crap later on.

Voter Suppression and the Transgender Community (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)

'Mother to all' farewelled (New Zealand) (http://www.stuff.co.nz)

New Orleans, Louisiana

Credit: Debra Hurd


I can't believe it... it's been two years now!  Here's what's happening... New Orleans, Louisiana... East Hampton, New York... Johnson City, New York... London, London, City of, England, UK...San Leandro, California...  Evanston, Illinois... San Antonio, Texas... Arlington, Virginia... Groningen, Netherlands... New Haven, Connecticut... Calgary, Alberta, Canada...  Skien, Telemark, Norway... Portland, Oregon...   Albertville, Alabama... Lakewood, New Jersey... Gotha, Thuringen, Germany...  Mountain View, California... Adelaide, South Australia, Australia... Kingsport, Tennessee... Victoria, British Columbia, Canada... Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania... Wheaton, Illinois... Tamuning, Guam... Louisville, Kentucky... Sydney, New South Wales, Australia... Muskogee, Oklahoma... Athens, Attiki, Greece... Aarau, Aargau, Switzerland... Solihull, England, UK...

I know how to celebrate... do it by giving!

American Red Cross

International Red Cross/Red Crescent

Doctors Without Borders

Rainbow Fund

Let Us Love Our LGBT Neighbors As Ourselves (http://www.chattanoogan.com)

06 August 2012

Who I'd pick in the races

1- Elizabeth Esty vs. Christopher Donovan(nom.) vs. Dan Roberti

2- Chris Murphy (nom.)vs. Susan Bysewicz

3- Chris Shays vs. Linda McMahon(nom.)

The first person I'd pick is the 5th Congressional seat.  If the race were between the first two, and neither had any troubles, I might have a different outlook.  But Chris Donovan has troubles - big troubles.  You might have read that the Hartford Courant cleared him of all charges.  But if you read the paper more closely, you find that the FBI isn't taking the paper's word on it.  Would I like Chris Donovan?  Sure.  But would I hire him as my Congressman?  Um... no.

The other person is Dan Roberti.  At first I had my hopes high.   But he has been nothing but a huge disappointment.  He has zero platform, every ad just a cheap slam of the other two.  Unless you really enjoy the term "airhead", please don't vote for him.

The last person is Elizabeth Esty. She's not full of dazzle.  She's  walked the streets.  She's talked to people.  And, as a result, she's built a thoughtful campaign.  My vote would be for her.

*          *           *

The next person I'd pick would the Democratic side for Senate.  My pick would be Chris Murphy.  It's funny... the guv spoke first, and yeah, it was a rousing speech for those assembled, but for me, eh, it was a speech.  But then state senator Beth Bye spoke.  For those unfamiliar with her, I really can't explain it to you.  I trust Beth Bye and her endorsement.  Enough said.

HHS: Affordable Care Act Will Protect Transgender People, Too (http://www.usnews.com)

*more here*

ezs note:  Transgender folks - If you have a medical concern, and you are being refused or belittled, your rights are being violated!!  Please read the article for more.

04 August 2012

Write more!I

It's time once again where I once again urge you to e-write your Congressperson, to give real equality to LGBT persons.  Please, it'll only take five minutes of your time.  And after that, I'd love an e-letter from you.  Together, we can win!

Muskogee, Oklahoma - Dan Boren (D) - 2nd OK
(two districts below)
Cleveland, Ohio - Dennis Kucinich (D) - 10th OH
     "     - Marcia Fudge(R) - 11th OH

East Hampton, New York - Jim Bishop (D) - 1st NY
Overland Park, Kansas - Kevin Yoder (R) - 3rd KS
Mountain View, California - Anna Eshoo(D) - 14th CA
Monroeville, Pennsylvania - Tim Murphy(R) - 18th PA

Mississippi Transgender Filmmaker, Diana Salameh Completes Filming Movie in Hometown (http://www.pr.com)

03 August 2012


Finally! The real dog days are here!  Arf, arf!  Here's what's happening... Warrenton, Virginia...    Fort Plain, New York... West Hartford, Connecticut... Mountain View, California...  Johnstown, Pennsylvania... Stewartstown, Pennsylvania...   Rome, Lazio, Italy...  East Hampton, New York...  Bloomington, Illinois... Swansea, Wales, UK.. George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia... Tomball, Texas... Waco, Texas... Maple Plain, Minnesota... Versailles, Missouri... Tamuning, Guam... Livingston, New Jersey... Clearlake, California... Macomb, Michigan... Wesley Chapel, Florida...  Sunnyvale, California...  Concord, North Carolina...  London, London, City of, UK... Cleveland, Ohio... Delhi, India...

Make your doggie wag their tail!  She/he cares about them too!

American Red Cross

International Red Cross/Red Crescent

Doctors Without Borders

Rainbow Fund

Life and death: A transgender picture (http://www.deccanherald.com)

Crazy Trannies Invade Ladies Room! MTPC Dispels Common Myths (http://www.edgeboston.com)

Wellesley youth group wins grant (http://www.metrowestdailynews.com)

What MPD’s Condom Practice Means for the Transgender Community (http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com)

Hundreds march in Nepal in support of gay rights (http://www.ajc.com)

30 July 2012

Let your voice be heard!

Another time for your voice to be heard!  The following are people who are represented in the location where you live.  If you don't e-write strongly for people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender... who will?

Lincoln, Arkansas - Steve Womack(R) - 3rd AR
Papillion, Nebraska - Lee Terry(R) - 2nd NE
Buffalo, New York - Louise Slaughter(D) - 28th NY
Aurora, Colorado - Ed Perlmutter(D) - 7th CO
Mountain View - Anna Eshoo(D)  - 14th CA
East Hampton - Tim Bishop - 1st NY
Muskogee, Oklahoma -  Dan Boren(D) - 2nd OK
Huntington Beach - Dana Rohrabacher (R) - 46th CA
Albany, New York - Paul Tonko(D) - 21st NY
Tomball, Texas - Michael McCaul - 10th TX
(three total below)
Arlington Heights - Peter Roskam(R) - 6th IL
     "     - Joe Walsh(R) - 8th IL
     "     - Robert Dold(R) - 10th IL

(four total below)
Baltimore, Maryland - Andy Harris(R) - 1st MD
     "     - Dutch Ruppersberger(D) - 2nd MD
     "     - John Sarbanes(D) - 3rd MD
     "     - Elijah Cummings(D) - 7th

(three total below)
Cincinnati, Ohio - Steve Chabot(R) -- 1st OH
    '     - Jean Schmidt(R) - 2nd OH
     "     - John Boehner(R) - 8th OH

Vancouver Pride Week 2012: Trans role model Jenna Talackova wants to fight for the environment (http://www.straight.com)

'It was an act of defiance that made African-American citizen Rosa Parks a civil-rights hero for refusing to give up her seat for a white passenger...'*more here*