03 October 2014

It's almost time - and in some states, it IS time!

Credit:  http://www.tgeu.org
C'mon now.  I suspect you've heard this from me before.  If not, here it is:  VOTE. 

Analysis of PrEP Data Shows High Adherence in U.S., and Among Most at Risk of HIV

Barbara Jungwirth

to read more, go to:  http://www.thebody.com/content/75066/analysis-of-prep-data-shows-high-adherence-in-us-a.html

ezs note:  Be safe!!!  If you are a sexually active transgender person -- or you're just thinking about it -- the time to start taking Truvada is NOW.  Read the directions on the box or  bottle twice.  You'll be happy AND healthy!