31 December 2014

Here's the list - end of 2014

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

Here are the top 25 words/ combinations of all time:

1.  transgender
2.  gay
4. lesbian
5. bisexual
6. transgender woman
7. rights
8. discrimination
9. woman
10. trans
11. people
12. community
13. gender
14. bill
15. gender identity
16. California
17. law
18. equality
19. police
20. transgender people
21. first (tied)
21. marriage (tied)
23. support
24. transsexual
25. against (tied)
25. group (tied)

Leelah Alcorn’s Transgender Suicide Sparks ‘Leelah’s Law’ Petition To Ban Conversion Therapy

International Business Times

please press:  http://www.ibtimes.com

ezs note:  You can switch over to change.com by accessing it in the first paragraph.  If you have not done so yet, please e-write the President, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.  C'mon, it only takes a minute - and it may save a life.