28 August 2018

Philippines - Those Long Haired Nights: Filipino film highlights struggle for transgender rights

Cristyn Lloyd
Southeast Asia Globe

Monreal, Philippines

Credit:  https://www.zamboanga.com/z/images/0/07/Sea_Cliffs_at_Monreal%2C_Masbate%2C_Philippines.jpg

please press:  sea-globe.com

civil rights - Leslie Rutledge joins push to allow firing transgender people UPDATE

Max Brantley
Arkansas Times

Batesville, AR

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Josephine_street.JPG

please press:  www.arktimes.com

ezs note: Arkansas residents - whether you live in a small town or a large city, it's almost Labor Day.  And it's also time to volunteer against Leslie Rutledge having another term as Attorney General.

Virginia - Gavin Grimm Documents his Fight for Transgender Rights in Book Excerpt

Emily Bloch
South Florida Gay News

entering Dahlgren Center, Virginia

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/2016-07-22_11_20_06_Welcome_to_Virginia_sign_along_southbound_U.S._Route_301_%28James_Madison_Parkway%29_just_after_crossing_the_Governor_Harry_W._Nice_Bridge_in_northern_King_George_County%2C_Virginia.jpg

please press:  southfloridagaynews.com