Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon. Show all posts

21 January 2016

The word of the year

Skye Hurlin
Lake Oswego Review

Skye Hurlin


please press:

09 December 2015

A Portland University Wants Federal Permission to Ban Transgender Students

Dirk VanderHart
The Portland Mercury


ezs note:  Wow... how interesting.  I have no qualms with private colleges or universities instituting some strange and/or appalling codes...  but that's only if their funding remains totally private!  Note that the article said that Multnomah University accepted 1.1 million in federal funds!  Now, that's a different kettle of fish.  I do think that federal monies are a valuable resource, but if their hand remains out, certain standards have to be met.  Please urge your Congressperson if any money is to be doled out to a private institution, transgender people have to be welcomed.  (Thanks to Mr. VanderHart for your diligence.)

27 July 2015

Oregon Sen. Leads Charge for LGBT Civil Rights

Karina Brown
Courthouse News Service

Jeff Merkeley
