18 May 2017

On Robert Mueller, an Angry Trump Breaks From Republicans

David Catanese
US News and World Report

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/02/7c/3a/027c3a837efacc70f4acc32649b1324b.jpg

ezs note:  Hey, Donald, for once I think you're quite right.  Your administration, no matter how hard it tries, seems unable to forge the unity that you so desperately want. Fortunately, I have an idea.  Leave.  Leave now.  Leave for good. That way, the White House will be cleansed of the universe's biggest asshole.

10 Facts About the State of the Transgender Community in the U.S.

Connie Chavez

Credit:  http://www.transequality.org/sites/default/files/images/kyr/Transgender-Health-Insurance-Rules-3.jpg

please press: http://www.latina.com

Transgender woman assaulted last November dies, case being treated as homicide



Brian Fitzgerald Sherrell Faulkner AKA Sherrell Faulkner

Credit:  http://static.lakana.com/media.fox46charlotte.com/photo/2017/05/18/Sherrell%20Faulkner_1495128611796_3329438_ver1.0.jpg

ezs note:  Granted, it's been awhile since the initial attack, but if you could assist the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police, that would be great.  Their number is 704-432-TIPS, Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600, or call online at http://charlottecrimestoppers.com/. Thanks.

My sincere condolences to the Faulkner family and friends.

Senator apologizes for use of racial slur during testimony on transgender rights bill (Canada)

Kristy Kirkup

Credit:  http://d.christianpost.com/full/51666/img.jpg

please press:  https://www.thestar.com

Person shot & killed in Fresno may have been deaf & transgender

Erin Rook
LGBTQ Nation

Imer Eliu Alvarado

Credit:  https://lgbtqnation-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/2017/05/Screen-Shot-2017-05-18-at-5.44.10-AM-500x282.png

please press:  https://www.lgbtqnation.com

ezs note:  The person who was murdered yesterday has been identified as Imer Eliu Alvarado.  Unfortunately, the person was misidentified - he is a transgender man.  If you have any information, please call the Fresno Police Department at 559-621-7000.  Thanks.

17 May 2017

Donald Trump Has Broken Me

Drew Magary

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/36/d5/03/36d503ca69fc4b292fb462aaf46d7b65.jpg

please press:  http://www.gq.com

Hate crime not ruled out in slaying of transgender woman in Fresno

Jim Guy
The Fresno Bee

Credit:  https://oneworldoneraceblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/letsendhatecrime.jpg

please press:  http://www.fresnobee.com

ezs note: If you have any information regarding the murder of an unnamed transgender woman in Fresno,  California, please call the police at 559-621-7000.  Her name will be released once her family has been notified.

Transgender advocate from Georgia who took on judge dies

Kimberley Richardson

Credit:  http://blogs.weta.org/tellyvisions/sites/blogs.weta.org.tellyvisions/files/styles/large/public/inmemoriam.jpg

please press:  http://www.wsbtv.com

ezs note:  Rest in peace, Rowan...

Largest sheriff's department in US enacts transgender policy

Michael Balsamo

Credit:  https://www.sacsheriff.com/img/slider/K902-mod.jpg

please press:  https://www.policeone.com

In a first on LGBT job protections, Louisiana's influential business groups stay neutral

Julia O'Donoghue
The Times-Picayune

New Orleans, Louisiana

Credit:  https://premiumparking-api.s3.amazonaws.com/market/NEW%20ORLEANS%2C%20LA.jpg

please press:  http://www.nola.com

16 May 2017

Donald Trump Has Destroyed the Credibility of the Presidency

Peter Suderman

Credit:  https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/587439/screenshots/3107175/kicktrumpout.png

please press:  http://reason.com

Transgender women hired by government-owned Indian rail for the first time (UK)

Elena Cherubini
Pink News

Credit:  https://qzprod.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/c96a4109.jpg?quality=80&strip=all

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk

Support Transgender Youth In Your Classroom This Thursday


Credit:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/530651b5e4b0b4d1ce2d7a88/t/530a7ea9e4b0d1b000d3b145/1393196715193/1901900_745640715446750_29175233_n.jpg

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

Manning leaves prison to a U.S. more accepting of transgender identity

Daniel Trotta

Chelsea Manning

Credit:  https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/article_small/public/thumbnails/image/2016/11/04/23/chelsea-manning.jpg

please press:  http://www.reuters.com

Apple, eBay, Microsoft and others are reviving their support in a transgender rights court case

Tony Romm

Credit:  http://editorial.designtaxi.com/editorial-images/news-googlecolor08092015/4.jpg

please press:  https://www.recode.net

15 May 2017

Ya GOTTA read this...

White House staff learns how to manipulate Trump

Steve Benen

Credit:  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgOEJ-6JwxFrbkOOKZL5wtCKNzdkoky93d9RzIKuU64eWPIKid8pj91Fi7CJU1BzI9Rg3-ePCAjrMub94enHhWKgiZ7pKdu58VJnGs3wcM5RBkITO4fu6J2vt5xjb-iB8wVP3-KfiaPf74/s1600/pinata+trump.jpg

please press:  http://www.msnbc.com

In spite of backlash, Target continues to #TakePride

Andrew Clausen
The American Genius

Credit:  http://static.wixstatic.com/media/4a07ef_dd6b5375b3ab4811865ac03536efd67a~mv2.png

ezs note:  I'm not really a hawkish type, but if you have goods to buy, you might want to consider Target.  They're really a very progressive company, with reasonable prices.  Plus, you'll have a chance to piss off the American 'Family' Association!

U.N. Calls for Probe Into Violence Against Transgender Women in El Salvador

NBC News

Credit:  http://iz.carnegiemnh.org/crayfish/images/elsalvador1.jpg

please press:  http://www.nbcnews.com

Library settles transgender lawsuit, now covers transgender surgery

Sharon Coolidge

Credit:  https://img.clipartfest.com/0da026d06c2a5c7186bbbe5e822b5a12_lawsuit-clipart-free-download-clip-art-free-clip-art-on-political-instability-clipart_736-618.jpeg

please press:  http://www.cincinnati.com

Transgender People Are Finally Getting Justice For Targeted Murders

John Haltiwanger
Elite Daily

Credit:   http://manwifeanddog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Busted.png

please press:  http://elitedaily.com

14 May 2017

Job Fair!

Credit:  http://www.coosbaylibrary.org/sites/default/files/job-fair.jpg

ezs note:  This is a new feature for a transgender seeking new/better employment as a tool for better economic security.  A few tips: 1)  Dress professionally. If you need some pointers, Google here.  2)  Speak professionally.  Needless to say, no gum-chewing.  No matter how many butterflies you may have, speak and act confidently.  Need to speak proper English?  Google here .  3)  Do your freakin' homework.  Nothing is worse than going from a bad situation to an absolutely horrible one.  That goes double if you are transgender. Anyone can put 'LGBTs welcome' on a business card, but it's up to YOU to check it out.  If you can, talk to a few employees.  Check it out on Wikipedia.  If you are considering a mid to major corporation, see the HRC Corporate Equality Index.  

note: This is a random sampling of job fairs throughout US/Canada. To see more, type 'job fairs' under News.

Town/City: Pittsfield, Maine
Location: Warsaw Middle School gym & cafeteria, 167 School Street
Date:  May 17
Time(s): 3:30 - 6:30 pm

Donald Trump’s Weekend Schedule: Boast of Work Ethic, Go Golfing

Emma Stefansky
Vanity Fair

Credit:  https://cardfool.s3.amazonaws.com/cards/assets/low_President%20Likes%20Golf_cover.jpg

please press:  http://www.vanityfair.com

Man sentenced after punching a transgender woman and pulling her hair

James Besanville
Gay Star News

Credit:  http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2135794/images/o-DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE-facebook.jpg

Activists Say Azerbaijan’s Media is Spreading Fear and Hate of Queer People

Vahid Ali
Global Voices

Baku, Azerbaijan

Credit:  http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/Countries/A-G/azerbaijan-city.ngsversion.1442930097917.jpg

please press:  https://globalvoices.org

Chelsea Manning to receive health care after prison release (UK)

Meka Beresford
Pink News

Chelsea Manning (drawing)

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/C_Manning_Finish-1.jpg/220px-C_Manning_Finish-1.jpg

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk

Know Someone Who’s Transitioning? There’s A Hallmark Card For That

Brandon Voss

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Hallmark_logo.svg/1280px-Hallmark_logo.svg.png

please press:  http://www.newnownext.com

Hi Mom! Happy Mother's Day!

Credit:  https://img.clipartfest.com/6f659857031211da173d45177c875ebe_happy-mother-happy-mothers-day-flowers-clipart_900-900.jpeg

13 May 2017

Donald Trump impeachment news: more Americans want him removed

Viraj Mahajan

Credit:  https://rlv.zcache.com/impeach_trump_poster-r020567db06364e52bbaecee0fac2fac9_wa3_8byvr_324.jpg

please press:  http://www.inquisitr.com

ezs note:  Do you want to see Donald Trump impeached?  Then it's up to YOU.   Please call or e-write your Congressperson AND both Senators (remember, there are two) and let them know how you feel.  For your Congressperson, contact  www.house.gov.  If you are uncertain which Member of Congress represents you, enter your ZIP code in the upper right corner.  For your Senators, contact www.senate.gov. Both Senators represent your entire state. Thanks.

LGBTQ Americans meet in Havana with fellow Cuban activists

Steve Rothaus
Miami Herald

street in Havana, Cuba

Credit:  https://nyoobserver.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/cuba9.jpg?quality=80&w=635

‘Are trans people human? Views differ’ is not neutral

Alex Bollinger
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e0/44/d5/e044d504d39c360b72bc61dc40aa5726.jpg

This Mother’s Day, Help Black Mamas Get Free

Xoái Pham
Common Dreams

Credit:  http://images.all-free-download.com/images/graphicthumb/grunge_mother_day_label_312805.jpg

ezs note:  If you can, please make a donation to the National Mama's Day Out Fund.  Your donation will help!

New center helps transgender kids and their families

Keith McGilvery

Credit:  https://a.mktgcdn.com/p/raykhED5HCv4ncEu1NVyMPayEzscYZ-RziIlbp5dVfQ/1.0000/2331x2331.jpg

please press:  http://www.wcax.com

Saratov, Russia

Credit:  http://www.uwyo.edu/saratovstudy/_files/newimages/saratov-train-540-260.jpg

ezs note:  Well, how'd you like to get off the beaten path?  (Well, not if you're there... in which case... oh, never mind... ) In any case, it's Saratov, Russia!  See you there!

12 May 2017

Donald Trump Is the President America Deserves

James Traub
Foreign Policy

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ee/31/ec/ee31ecf4c0ff74ca164c5477b760fb65.jpg

please press:  http://foreignpolicy.com

Argentina's first transgender police chief on duty (Canada)

Luis Andres Henao
680 News

Analia Pasantino

Credit:  https://media3.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2017_19/1997726/170512-analia-pasantino-1-ew-1048a_6ef576c0f95e1d2c563cfdad792f00a0.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000.jpg

please press:  http://www.680news.com

Gavin Grimm to be honored at NCTE anniversary event

John Riley

Gavin Grimm

Credit:  https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/field_image/web17-gavingrimmladder-1160x864.jpg

Religious Parents Open Up About Their Daughter Coming Out as Transgender

Brittney McNamara
Teen Vogue

Credit:  http://pad2.whstatic.com/images/thumb/0/0b/Tell-Your-Parents-You-are-Following-a-Religion-They-Don%27t-Approve-of-Step-07.jpg/aid28382-v4-728px-Tell-Your-Parents-You-are-Following-a-Religion-They-Don%27t-Approve-of-Step-07.jpg

please press:  http://www.teenvogue.com

Jailed: Rapist who attacked transgender prostitutes in their homes (UK)

Jonathan Mitchell

Credit:  http://i.huffpost.com/gen/856183/images/o-STEVEN-BLONDIN-JAILED-UNPAID-WAGES-facebook.jpg

please press:  http://www.standard.co.uk

11 May 2017

Job fair!

Credit:  http://images.pcmac.org/Uploads/EscambiaCounty/EscambiaCounty/Sites/News/jobfair.gif

ezs note:  This is a new feature for a transgender seeking new/better employment as a tool for better economic security.  A few tips: 1)  Dress professionally. If you need some pointers, Google here.  2)  Speak professionally.  Needless to say, no gum-chewing.  No matter how many butterflies you may have, speak and act confidently.  Need to speak proper English?  Google here .  3)  Do your freakin' homework.  Nothing is worse than going from a bad situation to an absolutely horrible one.  That goes double if you are transgender. Anyone can put 'LGBTs welcome' on a business card, but it's up to YOU to check it out.  If you can, talk to a few employees.  Check it out on Wikipedia.  If you are considering a mid to major corporation, see the HRC Corporate Equality Index.  

note: This is a random sampling of job fairs throughout US/Canada. To see more, type 'job fairs' under News.

Town/City: Thousand Palms, California
Location: Sunline HQ, 32505 Harry Oliver Trail
Date:  May 12 (tomorrow)
Time(s): 9am - 12pm

note:  drivers over 21 required

White House red-faced over pictures of Donald Trump meeting Russian Ambassador Sergey Lavrov (Australia)


Credit:  https://thumb1.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/2613862/563299324/stock-photo-january-ayvalik-turkey-donald-trump-pop-art-themed-cartoon-portrait-illustrated-in-563299324.jpg

please press:  http://www.news.com.au

A Night Out for Trevor is May 19

Mariah Cooper
Washington Blade

Credit:  https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/819233275696680960/cbcuZAEQ.jpg

Time for companies in California to be 100 percent restroom sign compliant

Autumn Sandeen
LGBT Weekly

Credit:  http://images.mydoorsign.com/img/lg/S/all-gender-restroom-tactiletouch-sign-se-6060.png

please press:  http://lgbtweekly.com

Mormons drop Scout programs for older teens

Tad Walch
Deseret News

  • Credit:  http://static.playbill.com/dims4/default/e1851a8/2147483647/resize/250x/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.playbill.com%2F8e%2Fc9%2F60189ac7483b86d4f26f0d26d85e%2Fthe-book-of-mormon-playbill-2011-2-24-web.jpg

Puerto Vallarta gears up for Vallarta Pride 2017 (Mexico)


Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Credit:  http://www.arcossuites.com/images/CaballitoMalecon.jpg

10 May 2017

Job fair!

Credit:  http://arlingtonanswers.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/jfsm1.jpg

ezs note:  This is a new feature for a transgender seeking new/better employment as a tool for better economic security.  A few tips: 1)  Dress professionally. If you need some pointers, Google here.  2)  Speak professionally.  Needless to say, no gum-chewing.  No matter how many butterflies you may have, speak and act confidently.  Need to speak proper English?  Google here .  3)  Do your freakin' homework.  Nothing is worse than going from a bad situation to an absolutely horrible one.  That goes double if you are transgender. Anyone can put 'LGBTs welcome' on a business card, but it's up to YOU to check it out.  If you can, talk to a few employees.  Check it out on Wikipedia.  If you are considering a mid to major corporation, see the HRC Corporate Equality Index.  

note: This is a random sampling of job fairs throughout US/Canada. To see more, type 'job fairs' under News.

Town/City: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Location: Belle of Baton Rouge Casino
Date:  May 25
Time(s):  unknown (to be prompt, be there at 9 am)

President Trump's Approval Rating Has Dropped to a Near-Record Low

Aric Jenkins

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b5/e6/f2/b5e6f235a61f6d6396635c800a4a97f3--donald-o%27connor-donald-trump.jpg

please press:  http://time.com

Policy lab builds research opportunities around sex and gender

Lauren Hertzler

Credit:  http://guidedchoices.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Opportunity.jpg

Newsroom Notebook: Shine a light

Ray Holley
Sonoma West Times & News

Credit:  http://churchleaders-eszuskq0bptlfh8awbb.stackpathdns.com/wp-content/uploads/files/Song_Package___Shine_a_light_409863120.jpg

please press:  http://www.sonomawest.com

ezs note:  If you are feeling depressed or hopeless, there is help. One way is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.  Please call 1-800-273-8255.  See - there is help!

First ever permanent transgender pride flag crosswalk coming to Canada

Jeff Taylor
LGBTQ Nation

Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Credit:  http://www.cuug.ab.ca/VT/gifs/leth-bridge.gif