21 December 2012

Can I have another?

OK, so I've been a long-winded woman advocating LGBT rights.  But think about this: an elderly woman, Edie Windsor, already sorrowful about the loss of her partner, has to pay 363,000 dollars in estate taxes.

Well, how about if Edie Windsor had married a man?

Then she would owe nothing.

This is but one of many appalling travesties.

And this is why I urge you to urge you to e-write your congressperson.  Please do so.

Arizona cops foil girl’s school shooting plot with help from Toronto police - http://www.660news.com

Former Sen. Chuck Hagel apologizes for gay comment - http://www.cachevalleydaily.com

Congratulations! You have been named Asshole of the Year!

Credit: Danziger

You know, sometimes people don't give enough credit to selecting the Asshole of the Year.  This year was quite a difficult one, picking out that person who possesses those special qualities which shout out "Hey!  I'm a person who truly possesses those qualities of an asshole!"  I thought my search was in vain for the year 2012.

Then along came Wayne LaPierre, who deservedly, no, most deservedly qualified  for the moniker "asshole". My god, he is an asshole.

For those of you not in the know, I'll let you read the fine Mercury News editorial.  If you feel so moved, go to www.house.gov, enter your ZIP code, then e-write your congressperson in favor of sensible gun control.

And Wayne, thank you for coming out with some of the most vapid, idiotic, and moronic statements I have ever seen.  You do more to advance sensible gun control than you will ever know.