22 November 2017

Italy - Gay rights under the spotlight at LBGTI meet in Rome

The Statesman

Rome, Italy

Credit:  https://www.rome.info/metro/rome_metro.gif

please press:  www.thestatesman.com

Walk remembers transgender victims of violence

Angie Holland
The Oskaloosa Herald

Oskaloosa, IA

Credit:  http://sjcook.com/trains/cbq/depots/IAoskaloosa/cbq0001.jpg

please press:  www.oskaloosa.com

Battenfeld: In 3rd District, a run at history

Joe Battenfeld
Boston Herald

Credit:  http://www.townsendgop.org/images/MA-3-cong-district.gif

please press:  www.bostonherald.com

In transgender ruling, another judge finds Trump credibility gap

Derek Hawkins
The Washington Post

Credit:  http://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170427182543-09-100-day-trump-cartoon-super-169.jpg

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com