28 March 2021

archive - Andrew Citino Oral History Transcript* - July 9 2014


To see 'Andrew Citino Oral History Transcript', go to 


If you have pamphlets, magazines, posters, scrapbooks, paintings, sculptures, art printings, or newspaper clippings and wish to donate them to a reputable organization, please see digitaltransgenderarchive.net.

Florida - Bill targeting transgender athletes moves in Senate despite pushback

Renzo Downey

Florida Politics

Lakeland, FL

please press:  floridapolitics.com

ezs note:  Lake and Polk counties (Florida) - To be sure, Kelli Stargel has the right to her own opinion.  What she does NOT have is the right to punish transgender athletes because of her deranged opinion.  If she insists on this, make Sen. Stargel into FORMER Sen. Stargel.

lead story - 'It's Hurtful': Trans Youth Speaks Out As Alabama Debates Banning Medical Treatment

Melissa Block


Mobile, AL

please press:  www.npr.org

ezs note: Alabamians -  If this odious bill passes, find out who your state Representative or state Senator is.  If either one of them voted yes, the time to oust them in the ballot box is NOW.  Please srart planning.

Joe Biden - Why Biden's marijuana stance is 10 years behind the curve

Harry Enten


Marijuana (Cannabis ruderalis)

please press:  www.cnn.com