20 November 2017

On Transgender Day of Remembrance, the Screams That India Ignored

Vishnu Gopinath
The Quint

Credit:  https://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/172514374/666460276/stock-vector-zipper-mouth-emoji-666460276.jpg

please press:  www.thequint.com

Anti-Gay 'Family Values' Former GOP State Senator Guilty of Child Sex Trafficking After Being Found With Teen Boy

David Badash

Credit:  http://www.fridaymash.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Seeking-a-higher-position.jpg

‘Vile bigot’ Republican deletes herself from social media after backlash to anti-trans tweet

Eric W. Dolan
Raw Story

Credit:  https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1276/0865/products/SmileyFYourself-001_large.jpg?v=1466730720

please press:  www.rawstory.com

A message of hope: Transgender community gathers in Norfolk to remember the lives of those lost to violence

Amir Vera
The Virginian-Pilot

Norfolk, VA

Credit:  http://ea550746b2e04b9b38db-3a6ba95bdfbfe96b2ed779a8c851df82.r98.cf1.rackcdn.com/lps/assets/u/downtown-norfolk-waterside.jpg

please press:  pilotonline.com