07 June 2017

Job Fair!

Credit:  http://www.jobsparx.com/logos/job%20fair.jpg

ezs note:  This is a new feature for a transgender seeking new/better employment as a tool for better economic security.  A few tips: 1)  Dress professionally. If you need some pointers, Google here.  2)  Speak professionally.  Needless to say, no gum-chewing.  No matter how many butterflies you may have, speak and act confidently.  Need to speak proper English?  Google here .  3)  Do your freakin' homework.  Nothing is worse than going from a bad situation to an absolutely horrible one.  That goes double if you are transgender. Anyone can put 'LGBTs welcome' on a business card, but it's up to YOU to check it out.  If you can, talk to a few employees.  Check it out on Wikipedia.  If you are considering a mid to major corporation, see the HRC Corporate Equality Index.  

note: This is a random sampling of job fairs throughout US/Canada. To see more, type 'job fairs' under News.

Town/City: Calcasieu Parish LA
Location: Lake Charles Civic Center
Bor Du Lac Drive
Date:  Wednesday, July 12
Time(s): 9am - noon

note:  veterans given priority

please press:  http://www.katc.com

Donald Trump Had Better Be Under FBI Investigation Now

Brian Beutler
New Republic

Credit:  http://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/probetoon05.jpg?w=620

please press: https://newrepublic.com 

The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon

Julie Zauzmer
The Washington Post

Credit:  https://1saxj2i1vq934y49o1o3msw9lu-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/deaconemblem.gif

This Pride Month, Think About The Power Of Your Pronoun

Dr. Mary T. Bassett

Credit:  http://blog.writeathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pronouns-300x232.jpg

To Be His 'Most Authentic Self,' Brookline Elementary School Principal Announces He's Transgender

Lisa Mullins and Lynn Jolicoeur

John D. Runkle School
(Brookline elementary schools)

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/9d/a5/09/9da509b2338584ae21899f5e2d670359.jpg

please press:  http://www.wbur.org

Bathrooms just the first of many barriers transgender youths face (Canada)

David Rider

Credit:  http://media.indiatimes.in/media/content/2016/May/blueberry-bathroom-partitions_1462429629_725x725.jpg

please press:  https://www.thestar.com