15 September 2015

Taking steps to be more inclusive to transgender students in N.B. schools (Canada)

CTV News Atlantic

Credit:  http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-E/schools/rms/Documents/1549.png

please press:  http://atlantic.ctvnews.ca

The transgender drama was pulled from the release calendar after it received mixed reviews at the Toronto Film Festival.

Tatiana Siegel
The Hollywood Reporter

Credit:  http://sugarscape.cdnds.net/15/32/980x490/landscape_nrm_1439036479-ellefanning.jpg

How to Spot Anti-Trans Concern Trolls

Brynn Tannehill
The Good Men Project

Credit:  http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/55315501.jpg

please press:  http://goodmenproject.com

ezs note:  Wow - when certain people describe a particular situation as an "embarrassment of riches", they aren't kidding, are they?  To get the best out of Brynn Tannehill's article, use the first hyperlink.  In it, you will find a plethora of articles and studies that any knowledgeable person will squish "concern trolls" with.

"Embarrassing", isn't it?

Photographer Seeks Legal Action After Italian Far-Right Party Uses Picture in Campaign Against Gender Education

Natalie Ilsley

'The Plight of Transgender', Rose Morelli

Credit:  https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7286/16256074718_c3a5d03f5c.jpg

Troy board hears from public on transgender policy

Nancy Bowman
Dayton Daily News

Troy, Ohio

Credit:  http://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/l91J3ZDhtfFKmUeYj_JEEQ/348s.jpg


Credit:  http://www.mrgigliotti.com/cartoon1.jpg

Hartford, CT residents - today is the LAST day to vote in the primaries.  If you don't vote, you don't count.  And if you skip the primaries, forty lashes with a wet noodle!  Mwahahahaha!

All other residents - Register. If you can, vote.  That is all.

If You Are Trans in America, Take the U.S. Trans Survey Today

Cleis Abeni

Credit:  http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54f76238e4b03766696d8f4c/t/55d4e52ae4b0f6fc76a75fed/1440015666526/USTS-FB-Graphic-Orange-Spanish.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

ezs note:  Please - this is very important!  The National Center for Gender Equality is doing a nationwide survey (monitored by the University of California - Los Angeles for accuracy)  There are only seven days to take this survey.  If you are transgender - MTF or FTM - please take one. It's at