16 October 2017

Keith Olbermann - The Resistance - Donald Trump Is The Harvey Weinstein Of Washington

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upjd311FT7g

Gay pride party next weekend (Botswana)

Keamogetse Motone

Credit:  http://www.operationworld.org/files/ow/maps/lgmap/bots-MMAP-md.png

please press:  www.weekendpost.co.bw

CT Transgender Activist To Be On 'Jeopardy!'

Susan Dunne
Hartford Courant

Credit:  https://www.jeopardy.com/Assets/jeopardy/images/_facebook/fb_profile.jpg

please press:  www.courant.com

Queer Community at CC Celebrates LGBTQIA+ History Month

Logan Coleman
The Catalyst

Credit:  https://res.cloudinary.com/hud9ala09/image/upload/v1462379319/xq5xo7cntfv5u0c5ogea.png

please press: catalystnewspaper.com

Connecticut Joins Legal Battle Over Trump's Ban On Transgender Troops

Russell Blair
Hartford Courant

Connecticut state capitol

Credit:  http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/68051083.jpg

please press:  www.courant.com

ezs poetry

The sky, a mullet gray
whips my face as I ride along
not too cool
the weatherman says
but  I feel it
I feel it

finally I enter
as I go to my favored seat
I pick up a book
Ginsberg, some twenty years' dead
whispers into my ear

He speaks to me of Paterson
ruined citystate
where his mother died
poor tattered madwoman

and he sat there
not knowing how to reach her.
