09 October 2016

Dana Milbank: Governor’s defeat could be watershed moment for gay rights

Dana Milbank
Monterey Herald

Credit:  http://media.cagle.com/20/2013/11/18/140256_600.jpg

Posters seeking transgenders' beheading appear in Pakistan (India)

Deccan Herald

Credit:  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/12/25/03/2F91812A00000578-3373816-image-a-8_1451014752600.jpg

ezs note:  Transgender persons and allies, particularly those in Pakistan, you can choose to panic - but the better choice is to plan ahead.  The best choice might be is to let people know that you are their friends, neighbors, and coworkers - not a bunch of aliens.  Hook up with your LGBT group to find out what your best course of action might be.

Celebrate National Coming Out Day at the Library

Pasadena Now

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/13/34/bb/1334bbf41cf194f593be6687242bcff6.png

Ben Carson: Gay Marriage Will Lead To 'Mass Killings,' Transgender People Are Confused

Carlos Santoscoy
On Top

Credit:  http://editorialcartoonists.com/cartoons/GreenS/2015/GreenS20151019_low.jpg

please press:  http://www.ontopmag.com

Transgender pastor preaches to the choir with love

Kevin Fagan

San Francisco Chronicle

Credit:  https://www.drmaxlingo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/red-scribble-heart.jpg