28 February 2016

Rule on Transgender Athletes Amended in Texas

Associated Press
The New York Times

Credit:  http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/states/texas.jpg

please press:  http://www.nytimes.com

Transgender Muslims in fear after school shutdown

Bambang Muryanto
Jakarta Post

Credit:  http://city.0932.ru/images1/yogyakarta-indonesia-2.jpg

JSD to consider policies regarding transgender students

Melissa Griffiths
Juneau Empire

Credit:  https://cdn-www.trails.com/imagecache/articles/295x195/fishing-juneau-alaska-295x195.png

please press:  http://juneauempire.com

JNU could give five points to transgender applicants under new entrance policy (India)

Daily Mail India


BBC3 documentary looks at the UK’s Miss Transgender pageant (UK)

Ross Semple
Gay Times

Credit:  http://cdn.skim.gs/images/c_fill,dpr_1.0,h_391,w_695/miss-transgender-uk/miss-transgender-uk-pageant-defends-surgery-prize