03 February 2019

Malta - Being transgender is not a mental disorder - MEP Roberta Metsola

Malta Independent Online

The Beheading of Saint John - Caravaggio

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Michelangelo_Caravaggio_021.jpg

please press:  www.independent.com.mt

civil rights - New Jersey to require schools to teach LGBT history

Hannan Adely
USA Today

Woodland, NJ

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Savoy_Boulevard_Woodland_Twp%2C_NJ.jpg

please press:  www.usatoday.com

Mississippi - Mississippi lawmakers propose ‘license to harass’ for transphobic teachers

Zack Ford

ezs note:  If you haven't heard of this yet, HB1176 is an absolutely repulsive bill that allows 'teachers' to harass transgender students with impunity.  If you live in Mississippi, please tell your legislators to vote 'no' on this bill.  If you live outside Mississippi, please tell your legislators that if this bill passes, Mississippi will no longer be on your state's dime.  I have already contacted State Rep. Jillian Gilchrest. (D-CT)

Credit:  https://thinkprogress.org/mississippi-proposes-license-to-harass-for-transphobic-teachers-70fdf6085b2c/

please press: thinkprogress.org

lead story - Transgender LA LEO is among many living 'their truth' on force

Brenda Gazzar

Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/US_Capitol_Police_Cruiser_Ford_Crown_Vic_fr.jpg]

please press:  \www.policeone.com