06 March 2020

Canada - She spent 4 years in a men’s prison — how Canada often ignores complexities in trans violence

Rachael D'Amore
Global News

Toronto, ON (Canada)

please press:  globalnews.ca

civil rights - A 9-Step Compliance Plan For Ensuring Transgender Students’ Title IX Rights

Oklahoma - National firestorm on horizon as Oklahoma, other states consider criminalizing transgender treatments for youths

Kristin Lam
The Oklahoman

Broken Arrow, OK

please press:  oklahoman.com

ezs note:  Oklahomans - this is a bit dated, but if it's still under consideration, please call your state representative and your state senator and tell them NO on HB 1819. Thanks.

lead news - Ben Carson gets into testy exchange with Democratic lawmaker over transgender access to homeless shelters

Donald Trump - Trump’s Calamitous Coronavirus Response

Michelle Goldberg
The New York Times

ezs note:  Trump's ingenious mind at work ©

please press:  www.nytimes.com