23 May 2016

'The show is important right now': Whoopi Goldberg to produce reality series based on transgender modelling agency (UK)

Justin Enriquez
Daily Mail

Credit:  http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1500680/images/o-WHOOPI-GOLDBERG-facebook.jpg

Obama Appoints Transgender Activist to Faith-Based Advisory Council

Samuel Smith
Christian Post

Credit:  http://www.msnbc.com/sites/msnbc/files/styles/ratio--3-2--830x553/public/2015-10-02t213048z_1292171140_tb3eba21nr1cc_rtrmadp_3_usa-obama.jpg?itok=udegXuZ1

Immigration officials to start sending transgender women to the middle of Texas

Jorge Rivas

Credit:  http://us.123rf.com/450wm/saenal78/saenal781509/saenal78150900018/44838798-thank-you-so-much-cute-greeting-card-vector-illustration.jpg?ver=6

please press:  http://fusion.net/

ezs note:  Yes, I do understand what would happen in a perfectly ideal situation.  But I also understand this reality:  It. ain't. gonna. happen.   Conversely, this President has made some good, realistic goals.  Thank you, President Obama!