23 April 2017

For Indians, Donald Trump's America is a land of lost opportunity (Singapore)

Straits Times

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rxLttE06-BU/maxresdefault.jpg

What is it about transgender people that scares the crap out of straight men?

David Cary Hart
The Slowly Boiled Frog

Credit:  http://assets.creativity-online.com/images/work/full/b/e/l/BelgianOpticiansandOptometristsAssociation_Eyescare15.jpg

NIU staff member honored for promoting LGBTQ acceptance

Stephanie Markham
Daily Chronicle

Northern Illinois University

Credit:  http://static.studentsreview.com/univ_pics/thumb_336-428.jpg

Transgender Offutt airman – finally 'able to live as my true self' – finds support, acceptance during transition

Steve Liewer
The World-Herald

Credit:  http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/facility/images/offutt-kenney-gate.jpg

please press:  http://dataomaha.com

'I'm transgender': India grapples with prejudices left over from British rule (UK)

Michael Safi
The Guardian

Credit:  http://feminist.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/shutterstock_168955373-605x400.jpg