01 September 2021

archive - Appendix A: The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)* - Aug 1994


To view 'Appendix A: The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)*', go


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Minnesota - Breaking the Ice: Transgender-rights win ‘among most rewarding’ cases

Todd Nelson

Minnesota Lawyer

Minneapolis, MN

please press:  minnlawyer.com

lead story - Anti-gay hate crimes fell slightly in 2020, while anti-trans crimes rose, FBI says

Jo Yurcaba

NBC News

FBI in training

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Aurora incident - Grand jury indicts police officers and paramedics in 2019 death of Elijah McClain

Stella Chan, Eric Levenson


Aurora, CO

please press:  www.cnn.com