17 March 2018

Report: Andrew McCabe kept memos on Donald Trump

Emily Stewart

Credit:  https://www.aec.at/nextidea/files/2012/05/matopy_logo_listen_key-03.png

please press:  www.vox.com

Ecuador - Societal Attitudes Are the Primary Threat Against Sexual and Gender Minorities in Ecuador

Carlos Flores, Lindsey Mulholland
Global Voices

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Protest_graffiti_against_TSO_Torino.jpg

please press:  globalvoices.org

Vainieri Huttle, Eustace, Pinkin & Jasey Bill to Solidify New Jersey’s Place as Leader in Transgender Civil Rights Advanced by Assembly Panel

New Jersey Assembly Democrats
Tap Into Plainfield

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Census_Bureau_map_of_Plainfield%2C_New_Jersey.png

please press:  www.tapinto.net

Around the Region: Iowa Senate votes to allow anti-LGBTQ discrimination in higher ed student groups

Andy Birkey
The Column

Credit:  https://a4cgr.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/south-park-pitchforks-torches-mob.jpg

please press:  thecolu.mn 

Mom Shares Transgender Teen's Heartbreaking Suicide Note to Raise Awareness to Issues She Faced

Jason Duaine Hahn

Credit:  http://www.bipolarhappens.com/bhblog/wp-content/uploads/suicide-hotline.gif

please press:  people.com

ezs note:  If you need help, PLEASE call 1-800-TALK/8255.  Thanks.

Pea Ridge, Arkansas

estimated transgender population:  31*
(rounded down)

Credit:  https://samuelcurtisiowa.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/pearidgebattlefield-cannon.jpg

ezs note:  Both historians and history buffs will flock to see Pea Ridge, Arkansas and Pea Ridge National Military Park.   It's situated in the extreme northwest corner of the state, and was won by Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn (Union).  Hope you enjoy, and are informed!

UN - BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuHVvSsNY2E