01 January 2015

Happy New Year's... ehhhhh...

Credit:  http://www.thisismeagankerr.com

So, it's New Year's Day.  Yay.

Basically, there are two types of people in this world.  The first type are the enthusiasts. They leave the house at around six o'clock (or earlier), are one of the earliest to arrive in the city, and would not think of partying without a party hat.  Come midnight, they toot their horn and drink the champagne. Hardcore enthusiasts know all the words to "Auld Lang Syne".  The next day, enthusiasts watch football.  Lots and lots and lots of football.

Thank you, but I'll pick door number two.

It's not that I hate New Year's Day (though there are certainly those about).  I just find it exhausting, and not worth my time and energies.  Last night, I glanced up at the clock, saw that it was two minutes past twelve, said "Oh, it's 2015..." and continued watching "House Of Cards".

However, there is one thing - just one thing - I'd like for you to do.  E-write your congressperson, senator, state senator, state congressperson or city/town council.  Most importantly, don't put it off.

Happy New Year's!

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