15 August 2015

A San Francisco Story

Leah Rose

Credit:  http://www.modernluxury.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/story-photo-slide-show/story/tenderloin_bird_cred_stephenmclaren_0.jpg

please press:  http://blog.longreads.com

ezs note:  If you live near a facility for  the mentally ill, here are some things you can find out:

  • Do the staff use the proper pronouns, and use them respectfully? 
  • Does the staff use the proper medication?
  • Is the client allowed to dress appropriately? (female for MTF; male for FTM)
  • Are psychologists/psychiatrists accredited by the American Psychological Association or the American Psychiatric Association? 
  • Are evenings and nights given the same standard of care as the daytime?

Living their truth: Transgender women talk about the road to acceptance

Roger DuPuis
Times Leader

Credit:  http://www.acceptingevangelicals.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/trans-word-cloud-3.jpg

please press:  http://timesleader.com

Petition calls for tougher punishment in transgender murder case

Democracy & Freedom Watch

Beka Beriani

Credit:  http://i.ytimg.com/vi/F1usO66EbRU/mqdefault.jpg

please press:  http://dfwatch.net/

Missing transgender woman found dead in 'crude grave' in North Carolina (UK)

Jessica Glenza
The Guardian

Credit:  http://www.believeoutloud.com/sites/default/files/styles/blog_image/public/TransFaith.jpeg?itok=lhUvP0f

Los Angeles, California

Credit:  http://pics.streetpeeper.com/sites/default/files/rvca-erin-wasson.jpg