01 November 2017

America's Victim-in-Chief

Conor Friedersdorf
The Atlantic

Credit:  https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/donald-trump-ivanka-clothes-cartoon-1024x722.jpg

please press:  www.theatlantic.com

ezs note:  If you happen to be in Burlington, Vermont on November 9, perhaps you would like to check things out here.

Egypt - Egypt Doesn’t Speak for Africa on LGBT Issues

Graeme Reid
Human Rights Watch

Cairo, Egypt

Credit:  https://files.foreignaffairs.com/styles/large-crop-landscape/s3/taxonomy-images/region-egypt.jpg?itok=X9K8Mmj-

please press:  www.hrw.org

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney lead congressional Amicus Brief in Masterpiece Cakeshop case

Steve Lee
LGBT Weekly

Credit:  https://i.ytimg.com/vi/q98HAE2Tk-c/maxresdefault.jpg

please press:  lgbtweekly.com

Greenville's Proud Mary Theatre dedicated to telling LGBT stories

Donna Isbell Walker
Greenville News

Unitarian Universalist Church of Spartanburg

Credit:  https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/Y4rQI-Bh0IpAIEeNtmRw3g/l.jpg

please press:  www.greenvilleonline.com

World Rugby’s transgender policies are discriminatory, and this student is fighting to change them

Lindsay Gibbs

Credit:  https://pulse-static-files.s3.amazonaws.com/worldrugby/photo/2016/06/03/b3a802e3-42d4-4edf-baca-d61b60785d25/twickenham2.jpg

please press:  thinkprogress.org