26 July 2021

archive - Follow-up Letter of Tiffany Club Meeting - Nov 15 1978


To view 'Follow-up Letter of Tiffany Club Meeting', go


For a short version of her history, see Merissa Sherrill Lynn .

If you have pamphlets, magazines, zines, posters, scrapbooks, paintings, sculptures, art printings, comix or newspaper clippings and wish to download them to a reputable organization, please see digitaltransgenderarchive.net.

New Hampshire - Epping wrestles with school policy that could out trans students to parents

Kathleen D. Bailey


Epping, NH (1905)

please press:  www.seacoastonline.com

lead story - First openly transgender Olympians are competing in Tokyo


NBC News

Tokyo, Japan

Japan National Stadium

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/New_national_stadium_tokyo_1.jpg

COVID-19 - An Alabama mother who lost her son to covid says not getting the vaccine is her biggest regret

Maria Luisa Paùl

Tha Washington Post

Birmingham, AL

please press:  www.washingtonpost.com

ezs note: Uh... in case you haven't figured it out yet... GET VACCINATED!!!