18 March 2016

Protection for LGBT Workers on the Rise: EEOC Files First Title VII Lawsuits Alleging Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Jill Rosenberg, Shaunicie Fielder and Megan Lawson

Credit:  http://www.litco.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/650x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/p/a/pallet-heat-treated-48x40-reconditoned-wm.jpg

please press:  http://blogs.orrick.com

Norway set to allow gender change without medical intervention




please press:  http://news.yahoo.com

Transgender History conference being held at U-Vic this weekend (Canada)

James Gardner
CFAX 1070

Credit:  https://www.digitaltransgenderarchive.net/downloads/p5547r37h?file=thumbnail

please press:  http://www.cfax1070.com

Brown U. Students Protest Black Transgender Speaker Because Jewish Group Invited Her

Robby Soave

Credit: http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9gyko29T21qaekkwo1_500.jpg

please press:  http://reason.com

ezs note:  Congratulations, nitwits.  You just kept the most influential African-American transwoman away from one of the most influential universities on North America... if not the entire planet.  Hope you're happy.

F&$*ing morons...

The Most Extreme Attempt Yet To Demonize Transgender People And Deny Them Rights

Zack Ford
Think Progress

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ed/0c/c0/ed0cc09799d6548127272392b551d57f.jpg

please press:  http://thinkprogress.org