04 October 2018

Donald Trump - Republican Sen. Ben Sasse drops a bombshell on the debate over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court

Bryan Logan
Business Insider

Ben Sasse

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bcWvixc_BU

South Africa/other countries - OUTtv will only be available in South Africa and not the rest of Africa

Thinus Ferreira

South Africa

Credit:  https://www.sahistory.org.za/sites/default/files/article_image/flag-map_of_south_africa.svg_.png

please press:  www.channel24.co.za

civil rights - Civil rights leader William Barber awarded MacArthur grant

Erin Durkin
The Guardian

Rev. William Barber II (left)

Credit:  https://preaprez.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/img_0618-1.jpg

please press:  www.theguardian.com

Nebraska - Nebraska high court rejects latest appeals by John Lotter


 Humboldt, NE

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Humboldt%2C_Nebraska_West_Square_3rd_to_4th_7.JPG

please press:  www.wowt.com

lead story - School transgender policy studied

The Vindicator

Gordian knot

Credit:  https://cdn.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/gordian_knot.jpg

please press:  www.vindy.com

ezs note:  Oy veh.  This ain't fun, is it?  Okay, here are a few suggestions.  First, here's what I don't suggest.  It doesn't help to burrow into your tribe or get into a shouting match.  You may have to relax a bit to do it, but if you are approached by an angry person, calmly explain your side of the story.  Remember, he/she may be venting anger, but he/she is just afraid for his/her child.  If he/she calms down a bit, work together on a solution.  If he/she remains angry, you may leave, but first, open the door for the time when he/she calms down. No, this ain't a magic wand.  But it is constructive rather than destructive.