10 December 2016

The smoking gun...

Credit:  http://nathancharles.net/assets/images/smoking-gun/01.jpg

ezs note:  This is Donald's hand in the cookie jar.  A professor had an interview with  CBS news and if you fast-forward to 6:05, you will see the professor describing Donald allegedly sexually assaulting not one, bur twelve women.  It goes very quickly, but evidence is evidence.

Six-Month Anniversary of Pulse Tragedy: LGBTQ Safe Place Initiative launched

Orlando Advocate

Credit:  http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2016/06/14/ee37495f-eb15-40b6-8f49-6001676a3cc5/2016-06-12t213028z867295178s1aetjnykyabrtrmadp3florida-shooting-usa.jpg

CIA Concludes Russia Interfered in U.S. Election to Help Trump Win

Daniel Politi

Credit:  https://02varvara.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/there-are-spies-among-us-588-e1279292980449.jpg

please press:  http://www.slate.com

ezs note:  BOOM. 

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Credit:  https://s4.scoopwhoop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Bangalore.jpg

ezs note:  Hey, how 'bout a trip to Bangalore?  Well, click on down!