21 October 2017

101 Facts About Donald Trump / Video

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p95BQyp5TM

ezs note:  If you are going to be in Washington, DC on December 3, get more info here.

Russian anti-gay MP horrified by Playboy's first-ever transgender cover model


MP Vitaly Milonov

Credit:  http://markgillespieauthor.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/knuckledragger.jpg

please press: www.pravdareport.com

ezs note:  Oh. grow. up.
If. that's. possible. 

Gender becomes a flashpoint for this college generation

Vanessa McCray, Nelson Helm
LaCrosse Tribune

Credit:  http://cdn-image.travelandleisure.com/sites/default/files/styles/1600x1000/public/201109-w-college-campus-berry-college.jpg?itok=K9-W0CAA

please press:  lacrossetribune.com

LGBT national group gives Columbia perfect score

Columbia Daily Tribune

Credit:  http://premierbusinessbrokers.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ColumbiaMO.jpg

please press:  www.columbiatribune.com

Transgender Activists Fight Historical Mental Health Diagnosis

Boris Dittrich
Human Rights Watch

Credit:  https://jerbearinsantafe.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/wpid-1184911_255132147944848_118821725_n1920034795.jpg?w=350&h=200&crop=1

please press:  www.hrw.org

Brunswick, Georgia

estimated transgender population:  95* (rounded up)

Credit:  http://www.goldenisles.com/files/photos/gi_page/00428h.jpg

ezs note:  The southernmost major port in the United States, Brunswick, Georgia was a major supplier of Liberty ships during World War II.  Come on down and see!