12 October 2014

Call for hate crime legislation (Ireland)

‘South Park Season 18’ Talks Bathroom Rights, Transgender, Reveals Lorde’s Identity; ‘Yellow Flicker Beat’ Singer Reacts, Retweets Kanye West

Conan Santiago

to read more, go to:  http://www.hallels.com/articles/9311/20141012/south-park-season-18-talks-bathroom-rights-transgender-reveals-lorde.htm

ezs note:  Yeah, I know that not everyone likes "South Park". (such is life)  But, hell, I do, and this one's an absolute gem.  Don't read the story first (it's rife with spoilers).  It's entitled "The Cissy".    Enjoy!

Comment: National Coming Out Day is still important because we have a long way to go (UK)

‘I’m so flattered’: Transgender Walton student believed first in state to be elected to homecoming court

Russian rights group calls state legal attack 'insult' (Pakistan)


to read more, go to:  http://www.brecorder.com/general-news/172/1231947/