16 May 2018

Donald Trump - TESTIMONY - Donald Trump Jr. testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Donald Trump Jr. (testifying)
Senate Judiciary Committee

Senate Judiciary Committee

please press:  www.judiciary.senate.gov

ezs note: Yeah, yeah, I know.   This is a L-O-N-G piece.  Read the whole thing - you'll be rewarded.

Turkey: Banned Pride march must be allowed to take place in peace

Amnesty International

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/S%C3%A3o_Paulo_LGBT_Pride_Parade_2014_%2814108541924%29.jpg

please press:  www.amnesty.org

ezs note:  Hey, if it can take place in São Paulo, it can place in Ankara.  PERIOD.

civil rights - LGBTQ teens face widespread feelings of fear and rejection, survey finds

Amy Ellis Nutt
Chicago Tribune

Guido Reni, Massacre of the Innocents

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Guido_Reni_-_Massacre_of_the_Innocents_detail3_-_Pinacoteca_Nazionale_Bologna.jpg

please press:  www.chicagotribune.com  

Illinois - Experts say large health disparities exist between Chicago LGBTQs

Jesse Arnholz
Windy City Times

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/Global_physician_density_map_-_WHO_2010.png

please press:  www.windycitymediagroup.com

lead story - 2 transgender women have turned up dead in Dallas in the last week

Matthew Martinez
The Sacramento Bee

Vincent van Gogh, Sorrow

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Sorrow_%281882%29.jpg

please press:  www.sacbee.com

ezs note:  Unfortunately, two transgender women have been found murdered in Dallas, TX in a short period of time. The first, mentioned previously, was Carla Patricia Flores-Pavon.  The second is unidentified.  She was a black transgender woman, 5 feet 3 inches tall, 130 pounds.  If you have information about either one of these murders, please call the Dallas police at 214-283-4856. Thanks.   

VIDEO - Trump's 20 Worst Broken Promises

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHG7appJ6Io