26 August 2015

Number 19: Trans Woman Killed Near Chicago in March

Sunnivie Brydum

Credit:  http://www.landsat.com/street-map/illinois/detail/aurora-il-1703012.gif

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

ezs note:  Sigh... Keyshia Blige has been murdered in Aurora, Illinois (near Chicago).  If you have any information, please contact Aurora police at 630-256-5000.  Rest in peace, Keyshia.

Gay, lesbian and transgender Ugandans face violent backlash

Katie G. Nelson

Credit:  http://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2011/10/14/1318596257412/Ugandas-LGBT-Community-007.jpg?w=620&q=85&auto=format&sharp=10&s=a218b3607e836b2ef25abe4df310411b

ezs note:  Yes, you can help!  Especially if you are going to Uganda on business or pleasure, you can take a few moments to e-write a polite yet firm letter to your Ambassador.  In the US, she is Ambassador Oliver Wonekha.  Her address is oliver.wonekha@mofa.go.ug.  For other countries, please contact www.google.com to find them.  Thanks!

Transgender Law Center condemns Rentboy.com raid

LGBT Weekly

Credit:  https://bossip.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/george-alan-and-rent-boy1.jpg?w=700

please press:  http://lgbtweekly.com

Short Film Showcase: Growing Up Transgender and Mormon

Rachel Link
National Geographic

Credit:  http://northstarlds.org/media/Ann-Pack_cropped.jpg