08 September 2018

civil rights - Lawsuit accuses MSU of favoring transgender students over straight men

Gail Schontzler
Idaho State Journal

Montana State University
Bozeman, MT

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Looking_N_at_Montana_Hall_-_Montana_State_University_-_2013-07-09.jpg

please press:  idahostatejournal.com

ezs note:  This is a fairly lengthy piece, but you gotta check this paragraph out:

Instructor Kujawa told Sletten she had asked the male student in their private office conversation what he would do if the transgender student in class tried to talk to him. Kujawa said he told her that if the transgender student persisted, he would “break her face,” and added, “I’ve done it before, I’m not kidding.” He also mentioned that he kept three loaded guns in his truck. (Gail Schontzler)

I rest my case.

Connecticut - Rainbow Wave In Connecticut: GOP Fields 6 LGBTQ Candidates For Legislature In General Election

Daniela Altimari
Hartford Courant

Groton, CT

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/USS_Nautilus_SSN571.JPG

please press:  www.courant.com

ezs note:  Umm... okay... Please, don't get me wrong.  Even though I'm a Democrat, there are some areas which I tend to be a bit conservative.  But, dude, you've got a President who is an ever-psychotic and a Congress which, at best, is mostly complacent and, at worst, is a complete suckup.  Before the election I would say follow your conscience.  But this ain't no ordinary time.

lead story - Will attacks on transgender South Carolinians lead to a state hate-crime law?

Bristow Marchant
The State

Orangeburg, SC

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Russell_Street_Orangeburg%2C_SC.jpg

please press:  www.thestate.com

ezs note:  South Carolinians - State Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter's bill is a damn fine one, and it deserves to be passed.  Please, do your part and call your state rep and state Senate and urge that it be passed.

VIDEO - Matt Baume - India Decriminalizes Homosexuality

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8NppOqTw84