16 November 2019

civil rights - 'This Isn't Just About a Pronoun.' Teachers and Trans Students Are Clashing Over Whose Rights Come First

Katie Reilly

Brownsburg, IN

please press:  time.com

ezs note:  I do hate to rain on Mr. Kluge's parade, but there is a Christian school in the very same town!  While I do respect Christian values, (even though I strongly disagree with the particulars)  if you're gonna teach in a public school, there are certain standards which you have to follow.  And you didn't. And you got fired.


North Dakota - ND takes new approach to behavioral health

Minot Daily News
Jill Schramm

Bismarck, SD

please press:  www.minotdailynews.com

ezs note: It's down a bit, but the seminar does contain a seminar on transgender issues.  If you live in south-central North Dakota (Bismarck), it might be wise to show up.

lead story - These trans people made history in 2019

Donald Trump - Trump Is Writing His Own Articles of Impeachment