12 July 2019

Donald Trump - Why Pence spiked a Trump judge

Nigeria - Human Rights Committee reviews the situation of Civil and Political Rights in Nigeria


Abuja, Nigeria

please press:  reliefweb.int

civil rights - A transgender inmate was raped and beaten in a Cañon City prison. Now the state has settled the case.

Sam Tabachnik
The Denver Post

Cañon City, CO

please press:  www.denverpost.com

Kansas - Kansas to allow transgender people to change their gender on birth certificates

Dion Lefler, Jonathan Shorman
The Wichita Eagle

Topeka, KS

please press:  www.kansas.com

lead story - House approves amendment to reverse transgender military ban

Rebecca Kheel
The Hill

US Capitol  (interior)  

please press:  thehill.com