27 September 2017

"Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse" - John Nichols

Credit:  C-Span (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFVg0AUWxGA)

The Distance Between Donald Trump and Puerto Rico

Amy Davidson Sorkin
The New Yorker

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/520ca2d/2147483647/resize/1200x%3E/format/png/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2Fbb%2F2e%2F55116f0d4d1ca6ce2bf402754d05%2F20170926edwas-a.tif

please press:  www.newyorker.com

Meet Daniela Vega, Who Could Be the First Transgender Actress Nominated For an Oscar

Patrik Sandberg

Daniela Vega

Credit:  http://s3.amazonaws.com/lahora-cl-bkt/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/30212453/daniela-vega-entrevista-lahora.jpg

please press:  www.wmagazine.com

Pottsville transgender woman settles discrimination lawsuit

Mark Gilger Jr.
Republican Herald

Pottsville, PA (Yuengling mansion)

please press:  republicanherald.com

North Carolina’s Gerrymandering Puts Democracy on the Line

Barry Yeoman
The Nation

Credit:  http://web.csulb.edu/~astevens/posc100/files/notes/nc12.jpg

please press:  www.thenation.com

Wichita district not buying transgender novel for elementary schools

Suzanne Perez Tobias
The Wichita Eagle

Credit:  http://toonclips.com/600/cartoon-female-librarian-sitting-at-a-desk-by-toonaday-5210.jpg

please press:  www.kansas.com

Ham & AiG News - Paulogia and Amy

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySZANZA8erQ

ezs note:  This is a YouTube piece which might be of use to you if you are a transgender person living in Canada.  It alternates between Ken Ham - everyone's favorite nutball -  and Paulogia & Amy, who actually read the books they're supposed to read,  (The transgender section runs about half)