30 November 2016

Vaccine Skeptics Are Excited About Donald Trump’s Presidency

Ruth Graham

Credit:  https://sciencebasedpharmacy.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/1982149_685624614840884_5818788323442573190_n.jpg?w=676&h=617

ezs note:  For more information on "Doctor" Andrew Wakefield , please see the Wikipedia entry on him.

South Bend woman's case could have national impact on LGBT rights

South Bend Tribune

Credit:  http://us.123rf.com/450wm/argus456/argus4561606/argus456160607214/57916793-south-bend-3d-rendering-a-red-hanging-sign.jpg?ver=6

Transgender Legal Assistance Available In Seattle Tonight

Neal McNamara

Credit:  http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2014-11-19-LegalAssistance_Sign.jpg

please press:  http://patch.com

Educators Say Parental Rights Bill Could Harm Trust With Students

Aliyya Swaby

Credit:  http://standardwater.com/lifetimelearning/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Fotolia_14715618_Subscription_Monthly_M.jpg

please press:  http://keranews.org

Trump’s latest Cabinet candidate called Orlando massacre a ‘distraction’ and mocked transgender ‘freaks’ (UK)

Nick Duffy
Pink News

Credit:  http://rollingout.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/SHreiff-Clarke-and-Ruckus.gif

please press:  http://www.pinknews.co.uk

ezs note: To find out more information on David Clarke, get more info on Wikipedia.  Oh,yeah, I'll feel much more safe with him on the watch.  Or maybe I'll start carrying a billy club.  (Sigh...)