14 April 2020

civil rights - Petition for more LGBTQ protections in Michigan moves online

Kyle Kaminski

Michigan State Capitol
Lansing, MI

please press:  www.lansingcitypulse.com

ezs note:  Michiganders - if you have not yet signed the petition please go to https://www.fairandequalmichigan.com/signIf you have friends (Michigan residents only) please tell them about this also. 

Texas - Victory Fund endorses transgender candidate for the Texas House

David Taffet
Dallas Voice

Bastrop, TX

please press:  dallasvoice.com 

lead story - Transgender fertility study sheds light on testosterone's impact

Julie Compton
NBC News

human ovum, Henry Vandyke Carter (1918)

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

Donald Trump - Connecticut governor says not to be distracted by 'verbal hand grenades' from Trump

Chandelis Duster

Gov. Ned Lamont

please press:  www.cnn.com