21 June 2017

Thoughts and musings (2)

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c5/a2/02/c5a2028ebd81928b9ce11e9ebf44b1db.jpg

We all live in extraordinary times.  In 1997, the movie Ma Vie en Rose was out, but save for a few crusaders, this film was definitely not for the popcorn crowd.  In much of the United States, it still isn't. The difference is, though, is that much of the transgender community is now knocking, knocking, incessantly knocking.  Which is why it's so sad to see Transgender On Screen by John Phillips.   I had hoped I would come back having read a thoughtful book.  What I got, despite its dense read, was a decidedly unintelligent tome.

I will grant Phillips this:  the book came out in 2008, giving him a bit of breathing room.  However, when I consider Alain Berliner's masterwork. it's not easy to forgive Philipps.  What he tries to do - unsuccessfully -  is to slap Jacques Lacan's papers on it.  And when did Lacan die?  In 1981.  Shit, I wasn't out of high school yet.  I don't wish to go so far as some critics do by painting him with the 'cult of Lacan', but I do have to say that he was a man of his time - not ours.

- Emily

Donald Trump Is a Crook

Jonathan Chait
New York

Credit:  https://donaldjdumb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Nixon-Trump.jpg

please press:  http://nymag.com

Kicking Sexism in the Shins

Jessie O'Brian
Vegas Seven

The Shins

Credit:  https://consequenceofsound.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/the-shins.jpg?quality=80

please press:  http://vegasseven.com

ezs note:  To find out the show in Las Vegas, press  cosmopolitanlasvegas.com

Transgender North Carolina Musical, THE BODY POLITIC, Announces Full Cast for NYMF Premiere

Broadway World

Credit:  https://newimages.bwwstatic.com/columnpic8/xiconsquareF6BE667A-FA22-1A00-5767F1FA73E985EE.jpg.pagespeed.ic.7R-L5M01kQ.jpg

ezs note:  If you wish to make a donation, press  www.TheBodyPoliticShow.com

GOP Congressman: Soldiers Will Pretend To Be Transgender To Get Out Of Combat

Miranda Blue
Right Wing Watch

Credit:  http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/535/466/cb1.jpg

A Transgender Groom Sees Beyond What He Ever Imagined

Alic Custer-Shook
The New York Times

Alic Custer-Shook

Credit:  https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrinknp_200_200/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAQ9AAAAJGFiMmNhZWVjLTE2NjgtNGQzYi1hMThjLTg4OWFkZGM2MTJjOQ.jpg

please press:  https://www.nytimes.com