03 May 2020

civil rights - Transgender rights are not under lockdown!

Cristian Galicia
Washington Blade

Bogotá, Colombia

please press:  www.washingtonblade.com

North Carolina - Loving and adapting amid coronavirus, NC LGBTQ church gives back to community

Hannah McClellan
The News & Observer

Raleigh, NC

please press:  www.newsobserver.com

lead story - Transgender man loses appeal court battle to be registered as father

Donald Trump - Trump rips George W. Bush after he calls for unity amid coronavirus outbreak

Justin Wise
The Hill

George W. Bush

ezs note:  Damn... I never thought I'd say it, but in this one area, he' s a REAL hero (unlike the current prick-in-residence)  

please press:  thehill.com