28 February 2020

civil rights - Bloomberg apologizes for comments about transgender people

Marina Pitofsky
The Hill

Mike Bloomberg

please press:  thehill.com

Arkansas - Republican wants to cut funding from “Sesame Street” because a gay man will appear on it

Alex Bollinger
LGBTQ Nation

the bowels of Satan

please press:  www.lgbtqnation.com 

ezs note:  Arkansans - I know you live in a conservative state, but please, do your best to defeat Jason Rapert (he's running for Lieutenant Governor) and all those who hold idiotic views.  Thanks.  

lead story - More employers are covering transgender health benefits

Dr. David Gregg

Waterbury, CT

please press:  www.benefitnews.com

Donald Trump - "What Hath Trump Wrought?' auth. Andrew Bacevich