27 January 2016

Here are the Georgia ties to the 2016 GLAAD Media Award nominations

Patrick Saunders
Georgia Voice

Credit:  http://d2ciprw05cjhos.cloudfront.net/files/v3/styles/gs_large/public/images/15/11/biancabianca1_151104e.jpg?itok=O9xtdYXs

please press:  http://thegavoice.com

Lake hopes for leads in transgender cold case, sends items for DNA testing

Christal Hayes / chayes@orlandosentinel.com
Orlando Sentinel

'Julie Doe'  (actual name unknown)

Credit:  http://www.trbimg.com/img-56a90d0c/turbine/os-lk-dna-testing-transgender-cold-case-20160127

ezs note:  Okay -- I know it's a longshot, but if you lived or worked in the Orlando area in 1988 and recognize the sketch of 'Julie Doe', please call the Lake County Sheriff's Office at 352-343-2101 or Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477.  Thanks.

Bishop Henry won't apologize for post blasting NDP transgender guidelines (Canada)

Lucas Meyer
660 News

Credit:  http://www.newsworks.org/images/stories/flexicontent/l_20140219-bishop-1200.jpg

please press:  http://www.660news.com

Parents Express Concern Over Transgender Policies at Moorestown BOE Meeting

Anthony Bellano
Moorestown Patch

Credit:  https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/25/81/10/258110b858c146cd8cf0b797e21b4b09.jpg

please press:  http://patch.com

Local access to healthcare for transgender patients lacking, one advocate says (Canada)


Credit:  https://lgbtperspectives.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/800px-drapeau_de_lontario_-_ontario_flag_5625479477.jpg

please press:  http://www.cbc.ca

ezs note:  Ontario residents - for one thing, just be careful.  There is a bogus 'organization' called the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health out of Toronto.  I know - they sound professional n' shit, but that's nonsense.  They're a crackpot group whose 'theories' have been wholly discredited. Instead, see the Rainbow Health Network, or, in the Waterloo region see OK2BME.. Thanks.