11 March 2024

national/world - Alabama official calls for firing of transgender Space Camp employee after parent speaks out

William Thornton


Huntsville, AL
(where else?)

please press:  www.al.com

Tennessee - How to stay or when to move? Transgender laws force tough choices on Tennessee families

Jamie McGee


 Knoxville, TN

please press:  tennesseelookout.com

ezs note:  If Tennessee continues to be bullheaded, COME TO CONNECTICUT!  Granted, the state as a whole is more expensive, but there are areas which are significantly lower in cost. (look at the northeast quarter of the state in particular).

Healers and Triggers (video)


ezs note:  I ran across Rev. Ed Trevors, who gave me a breath of fresh air.  Unfortunately, most of what passes off as 'Christianity' is pure crap. Fortunately, though, Ed saves the day. I may not see every line from side to side (he is a [real] Christian, I am a Baha'i), but, geez, this guy is good. I'll do my bit to promote him. To learn more about him, go to Bing AI and type 'Who is Reverend Ed Trevors?'

By the way, if you're free, Ed broadcasts live on 1) most Saturday nights at 7:30 pm and 2) most Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 pm (Eastern time). (other time zones will vary)  Look for :