29 September 2016

New Report Finds Voter ID Laws Disenfranchise Transgender Community

Hayley Miller

Credit:  http://marketing-assets.avvo.com/uploads/sites/3/2012/09/Vote-Denied.png

please press:  http://www.hrc.org

ezs note:  This is all the more reason to register early.  If at all possible, go to the place where voters are registered, and explain your situation to them.  This is doubly important if you have moved, changed your gender, or even changed your looks.  If the election official looks crabby or complacent, ask for a written statement with their signature on it

North Delta's Crossroads United Church officially recognized as an ‘affirming’ ministry (Canada)

James Smith
North Delta Reporter

Credit:  http://lh6.ggpht.com/_bbCVnA_5z9I/SkKrmI4jeUI/AAAAAAAAB78/jgRzhFEHROc/logo%20sharp.png