18 January 2016

Downtown: Artist starts with empowerment

Megan Doyle
Concord Monitor

painting by Catherine Graffam

Credit:  http://41.media.tumblr.com/d3e4e04add740b4ddb18eb855d4f9adb/tumblr_nd1w7f8O7g1s0pt0bo1_r1_1280.jpg

Speakers at King rally: Much work left to be done

Janet I. Tu
The Seattle Times

Credit:  http://static.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/f5e9212b857b420aa8954cd9589bfcaf-780x519.jpg

LGB and not the T: Who will be protected in Indiana?

Alexis Moberger

Credit:  http://www.hivplusmag.com/sites/hivplusmag.com/files/2013/04/08/RedShoesTransgenderHIVx400_HIVPlusMag.jpg

please press:  http://wlfi.com

ezs note:  Indiana people - if you are transgender or a friend, and are acquainted with your state senator or representative, meet them personally.  Not to protest or anything - just to let him/her that there is there is a transgender person in their district and not on Mars somewhere.  Granted, there are a few dingbats out there, but the majority are simply unaware.

Literary Community Mourns Trans Writer Bryn Kelly

Cleis Abeni

Bryn Kelly

Credit:  http://assets.dnainfo.com/generated/photo/2012/12/bryn-kelly-1354565843.jpg/larger.jpg

please press:  http://www.advocate.com

ezs note:  Rest in peace, Ms. Kelly...

If you are feeling signs of despair, please call one of the numbers below.  It's not too late.  It's never too late.

The Trevor Project  1-866-488-7386  (24 and below)
Trans Lifeline  1-877-565-8860  (trans-specific)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  1-800-273-8255 (general help)  

Transgender people ‘treated appallingly’, says Basingstoke MP (UK)

Christian Wilson / christian@taylornewspapers.co.uk
Basingstoke Observer

MP Maria Miller

Credit:  https://inforrm.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/maria-miller.jpg

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Credit:  http://media.cagle.com/147/2013/01/24/126105_600.jpg