02 February 2017

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's remarks

Why is Donald Trump so fixated on Arnold Schwarzenegger? It might have to do with Ivanka.

Emily Heil
Washington Post

Credit:  https://cdn-webimages.wimages.net/052a0172413eb3b8d6e9a063194f4f306fe3ab-v5-wm.jpg?v=3

ezs note: Damn... Donald Trump says so many dimwitted, dunderheaded, just plain loopy things in a day... no, an hour...  I almost feel sorry for him.  (Well... no, I don't. 😝)

Movie review: Ceux qui font les révolutions … fights the status quo

T'Cha Dunlevy
Montreal Gazette

Credit:  https://www.goodnightjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/movie-reviews.jpg

School sued for ‘appalling’ treatment of transgender student

Alex Bollinger
LGBTQ Nation

Credit:  http://iams.pbworks.com/f/1980s%20cartoon%20negative.jpg

Rose of Tralee festival says there is no ban on transgender woman entering the competition (Ireland)

Catherine Devine
Irish News

Credit:  http://www.roseoftralee.com/images/stories/RofT_logo_2007_srgb_300dpi_op_786x190.jpg

please press:  http://www.independent.ie

Transgender cultural district planned for San Francisco’s Tenderloin

Brock Keeling

Credit:  https://www.theclio.com/web/ul/7093.8740.jpg

please press:  http://sf.curbed.com

Emily's Virtual Rocket to rest of world - oh gawd, we're sorry - again, and again, and again...

Credit:  http://stmedia.startribune.com/images/ows_143829764826258.jpg