06 November 2017

The dangerous cult of Donald Trump

Reza Aslan
Los Angeles Times

Credit:  https://khanya.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/rompope2.jpg

please press: www.latimes.com

ezs note:  If you are planning on being in the Middletown, Connecticut area on November 14, perhaps you should check out here.

Ecuador - Former Sex Worker, First Trans Woman Elected to Ecuador's Senate Paves Way for Others

Arturo Conde
NBC News

Credit:  http://smartraveller.gov.au/Maps/Ecuador.gif

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

“Somebody Has To Fight For The Civil Rights Of Trans People. Why Not Me?”

Rich Bellis
Fast Company

rural Mississippi church

Credit:  https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/033d9e1/2147483647/thumbnail/1280x600/quality/85/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.beam.usnews.com%2Fa8%2F8d%2Fb0d75d084a3db53030d84154aa6a%2Fresizes%2F1500%2Fbs17-mississippi-crop-editorial.jpg

please press:  www.fastcompany.com

Transgender woman sues Allegheny County; claims jail assaults while being housed with men

Paula Reed Ward
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Credit:   https://www.fastweb.com/uploads/article_photo/photo/2034642/sexual-assault-on-college-campuses-how-safe-are-you.jpg

please press:  www.post-gazette.com

A rational approach to transgender discussion

Logan Chipkin
The Cougar

Credit:  http://mblog.media02.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/10/rational-emotional-appeal-750x410.jpg

please press:  thedailycougar.com