14 June 2015

July Fourth events to recall bold 1965 gay rights protest

Natalie Pompilio

Credit:  http://ww3.hdnux.com/photos/37/05/45/8149318/7/1024x1024.jpg

Pastor Stephen Anderson Prays That Caitlyn Jenner ‘Dies And Goes To Hell’

The Inquisitr

Credit:  http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/1274722648-vg_duck_amuck_8555.jpg

please press:  http://www.inquisitr.com

Another View: Hillary Clinton, the center-left’s champion

Stephen Stromberg
New Haven Register

Credit:  http://media.cagle.com/83/2013/01/28/126228_600.jpg

please press:  http://www.nhregister.com

ezs note:  You may be a bit confused that the main article endorses Hillary Clinton, yet the right mast roots for Bernie Sanders. The article is written by Stephen Stromberg; it does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with the article.  (In fact, I prefer Bernie.)  However, I try to be as objective as possible.  So read the articles.  Talk with your friends.  Watch the debates. After that, you can make an informed decision.  (Go Bernie! Go Bernie! Go Bernie!)

A's pitcher Sean Doolittle occupies "Warrior Ground"

Tony Hicks
San Jose Mercury News

Credit:  http://i3.cpcache.com/product/57472825/trans_fan_cap.jpg?height=225&width=225