03 August 2018

Springfield, Missouri

estimated transgender population:  971*
(rounded up)

Springfield, MO

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/A_Nighttime_view_of_Hammon%27s_Tower_-_panoramio.jpg

ezs note:  Horace Duncan.  Fred Coker.  Will Allen.   Three African-Americans who were taken from their homes and lynched.  Springfield, Missouri did what was right and put up a plaque commemorating this ugly event - but it's only worth it if you take the children to the square and let them know what happened there.

Donald Trump - Stephen Colbert Delivers Blistering Takedown Of Ivanka Trump: ‘WHAT DO YOU DO?’ (see video)

Lee Moran

Credit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty5JawiWe8Q

please press:  www.huffingtonpost.com

Spain - Miss Universe's first transgender contestant aims to be a role model for trans kids

USA Today

section of ruins, Sevilla, Spain

Credit:  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d6/Ca%C3%B1os_de_Carmona_en_calle_Luis_Montoto_%282%29.jpg

please press:  www.usatoday.com 

civil rights - Transgender passport rules haven't changed, advocates confirm amid concerns

Kit Ramgopal
NBC News

Credit:  http://www.clker.com/cliparts/b/0/b/9/R/x/us-passport-md.png

please press:  www.nbcnews.com

ezs note:  If you have a friend who is a lawyer and are planning a trip, it might be best to doublecheck. But overall, this is good news (for a change!)

Massachusetts - ACLU Massachusetts helps release 14 transgender immigrants from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody

Kristin LaFratta

Here's to you, Trump!

Credit:  https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/3/3e/Be25a47224b2bfbd03c71ee4d72256c0_middle-finger-emoji-middle-finger-emoji-clipart_1189-1189.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20170405162358

please press:  www.masslive.com

lead story - Parents of three transgender teens sue Warren County judge to allow name change


Credit:  http://rixtrema.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/153902607-1.jpg

please press:  www.wcpo.com